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Formatting Palette

The Palette

For the buttons and executable commands that are described n this section to work it is assumed that you have installed A WorkLife FrameWork™™ and have loaded it.  This can be done either from the Load WorkLife Framework button on the supplied palette, by executing the command Needs["Diary`Diary`"], or by clicking on the following button:


By clicking on the on the button to the left of Formatting on the WorkLife Tools Palette, you will open the Formatting Palette.  You can also open the Formatting Palette by executing:


or by clicking the Formatting button on the All Palettes Palette.

The Formatting Palette looks like:


The Diary Formatting Palette

The Palette Buttons

For the buttons and executable commands that are described n this section to work it is assumed that you have installed A WorkLife FrameWork™™ and have loaded it.  This can be done either from the Load WorkLife Framework button on the supplied palette, by executing the command Needs["Diary`Diary`"], or by clicking on the following button:



This button brings up a dialog to choose the font size of the current selection in the InputNotebook.


This button changes the selected text in the InputNotebook to Plain.


This button changes the selected text in the InputNotebook to Bold.


This button changes the selected text in the InputNotebook to Italic.


This button changes the selected text in the InputNotebook to Underline.


This button toggles the currently selected cell in the InputNotebook between private and public.  A private cell has its contents reduced in size and rendered in an incomprehensible font. This is useful for writing when in a public place if you do not want what you are writing to be publicly readable.  Such a cell would look like the following:

This is a private cell and is quite unreadable to the casual viewer.


This button brings up a color selector dialog.  The selected color will then be pasted into the current InputNotebook in the form of an RGBColor directive.


Opens and closes the Text Colors sub-palette which includes the seven buttons that follow.  To add additional colors to this sub-palette, use the function AddFormattingTextColors. To interactively create a color to use as an argument to AddFormattingTextColors, use the preceding button or execute PasteColorFromDialog[].  To remove colors other than those in the default set, use the function DeleteFormattingTextColors.  


Add brings up a dialog that allows you to add a custom color to the list below. Remove brings up a dialog that allows you to remove a custom color that you have perviously added from the list below.


Brings up a Color selector dialog.  The color selected via this dialog is applied to the text of the selection in the InputNotebook.


Colors the selected text in the InputNotebook Black.


Colors the selected text in the InputNotebook White.


Colors the selected text in the InputNotebook Red.


Colors the selected text in the InputNotebook Green.


Colors the selected text in the InputNotebook Blue.


Opens and closes the Background Colors sub-palette which includes the nine buttons that follow.  To add additional colors to this sub-palette use the function AddFormattingBackgroundColors. To interactively create a color to use as an argument to AddFormattingBackgroundColors use the Paste Color button or execute PasteColorFromDialog[].  To remove colors other than those in the default set use the function DeleteFormattingBackgroundColors.  


Add brings up a dialog that allows you to add a custom color to the list below. Remove brings up a dialog that allows you to remove a custom color, that you have perviously added to it, from the list below.


Brings up a Color selector dialog.  The color selected via this dialog is applied as the background of the currently selected cells in the InputNotebook.


Renders the background of the selected cells in the InputNotebook Black.


Renders the background of the selected cells in the InputNotebook White.


Renders the background of the selected cells in the InputNotebook 10% Gray.


Renders the background of the selected cells in the InputNotebook 33% Gray.


Renders the background of the selected cells in the InputNotebook 50% Gray.


Renders the background of the selected cells in the InputNotebook 66% Gray.


Renders the background of the selected cells in the InputNotebook 90% Gray.


Brings up a dialog to convert the selected text in the InputNotebook into a hyperlink.


The Indent button indents the currently selected cells by an amount given by the parameter $IndentCellDefault.  If multiple cells are chosen, then all are indented.  If the level of indentation of the selected cells are different from one another, then all are brought into alignment.

The Outdent button decreases the indentation of the currently selected cells by an amount given by the parameter $IndentCellDefault.  If multiple cells are chosen, then all are outdented.  If the level of indentation of the cells are different from one another, then all are brought into alignment.


The RIndent button indents the currently selected cells from the right by an amount given by the parameter $IndentCellDefault.  If multiple cells are chosen, then all are right ndented.  If the level of right indentation of the selected cells are different from one another, then all are brought into alignment.

The ROutdent button decreases the indentation of the currently selected cells from the right by an amount given by the parameter $IndentCellDefault.  If multiple cells are chosen, then all are right outdented.  If the level of right ndentation of the cells are different from one another, then all are brought into alignment.


These assign the indicated dingbats to the currently selected cells in the InputNotebook.  The final gray button removes all dingbats from these cells.


These buttons align the text in the selected cells.  The L button aligns to the left.  The -| button aligns the text at 25%.  The C button centers the text.  The |- button aligns the text at 75 %.  And the R button aligns the text to the right.  The Align button returns the alignment of the text to the default value for the cell.


Opens and closes the Cell Magnification sub-palette which includes the single line of buttons that follow.


Each of these buttons assigns a cell magnification of the indicated factor to the currently selected cell in the InputNotebook.


Toggles between showing and hiding the date tag of the selected cell if it has one.


Toggles a cell frame around the selected cell in the InputNotebook.


Opens a dialog which allows you to place a cell frame label on the selected cell in the InputNotebook.  Choices of placement are Left, Top, Bottom, and Right.


Toggles the cell bracket visible/invisible for the selected cell in the InputNotebook.


Centers a graphic in its cell.


Creates an Inline Cell at the insertion point of the InputNotebook.


This button toggles the default behavior when typing into a new cell in the InputNotebook.  The default for a Notebook is to create an Input cell.  When clicked, this button changes this behavior to creating an Text cell. Clicking it again toggles it back to the creation of an Input cell.


CellOpen opens the currently selected cell in the InputNotebook if it is currently closed.  If it is not Editable, the Editable button will make it so.


Edit Cell Expression opens a notebook where the Cell expression for the currently selected cell in the InputNotebook  can be edited.  In that notebook, when you are done editing the Cell expression, you can click the button Apply Edits to update the originally selected cell.


Select Cells selects all cells in the current InputNotebook that have the same cell style as the currently selected cell.  nb selects, copies, and creates a new Notebook with those cells.


Opens the Tagging Palette.


Starts the Mathematica spelling checker starting at the current selection or input point of the InputNotebook. This button is equivalent to Mathematica's Edit |> Check Spelling... menu item.


The Place Image button opens up a dialog that allows you to choose an image file on file system.  This image file is read and its data is converted to a bitmap that is placed at the current location in the InputNotebook.


Opens a dialog that allows you to chose a file.  Once chosen, a button will be pasted at the current insertion point in the InputNotebook.  When this button is clicked on, it will open up the chosen file in its default application.  If anything is selected in the InputNotebook then that material will be replaced by the resulting button.


Opens a dialog to chose a file.  The file path of that file is pasted at the current insertion point in the InputNotebook.  If anything is selected in the InputNotebook then that material will be replaced by the file path.  This button is equivalent to Mathematica's Input |> Get File Path... menu item.

"formattingpalette_52.gif" or "formattingpalette_53.gif"

Opens the Remove Options dialog to act on the current selection in the InputNotebook. This button is equivalent to Mathematica's Format |> Remove Options... menu item.  In Mathematica Version 6.x it reads Clear Formatting and corresponds to the Format |> Clear Formatting... menu item.

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Copyright ©, 2005-2009 Scientific Arts, LLC