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Essay Palette

The Palette

For the buttons and executable commands that are described n this section to work it is assumed that you have installed A WorkLife FrameWork™ and have loaded it.  This can be done either from the Load WorkLife Framework button on the supplied palette, by executing the command Needs["Diary`Diary`"], or by clicking on the following button:


By clicking on the on the button to the left of Essay on the WorkLife Tools Palette, you will open the Essay Palette.  You can also open the Essay Palette by executing:


or by clicking the Essay button on the All Palettes Palette.


The Essay Palette

The Palette Buttons

For the buttons and executable commands that are described n this section to work it is assumed that you have installed A WorkLife FrameWork™ and have loaded it.  This can be done either from the Load WorkLife Framework button on the supplied palette, by executing the command Needs["Diary`Diary`"], or by clicking on the following button:



The New Essay button creates a new essay at the end of the current Diary notebook. The button with the "" on it places the essay near the current insertion point in the current Diary notebook.

The parameter $EssayInCurrentDiary determines whether a new essay is placed in the current Diary notebook or in the current InputNotebook. The default behavior is $EssayInCurrentDiary=True which causes all new essays to be created in the current Diary notebook.


Opens and closes the Add Essay Cell sub-palette which includes the five buttons that follow.


Adds a new Text cell within the essay.  The insertion point must be within the essay. The new Text cell is created below the insertion point.


Adds a new Input cell within the essay.  The insertion point must be within the essay. The new Input cell is created below the insertion point.


Adds a new Subsection cell within the essay.  The insertion point must be within the essay. The new Subsection cell is created below the insertion point.


Adds a new Subsubsection cell within the essay.  The insertion point must be within the essay. The new Subsubsection cell is created below the insertion point.


Adds a new Notes Cell within the essay.  The insertion point must be within the essay. The new Notes cell is created below the insertion point.  When the Create Notebook button (described below) is used, Notes Cells are not included in the resulting notebook.

Additional CellStyles can be added to the Essay Palette at this location by using the function AddCellStylesToEssayPalette.


Opens and closes the More Essay Functions sub-palette which includes the two buttons that follow.


This button creates a new notebook containing just the content of the essay.  The insertion point must be within the essay. The resulting notebook does not contain any of the essay's Notes Cells


Removes the essay.  The insertion point must be within the essay.  Removed essays are copied to the clipboard.  The clipboard will be overwritten whenever something else is copied to it.

Note if you accidentally remove an essay and wish to recover it you should immediately past it back into the notebook.  A number of functions in this package make use of the clipboard and may overwrite the temporarily copied essay.  Also the Mathematica Edit |> Undo Menu command (or its keyboard equivalent) will remove the essay from the clipboard.


Opens the Formatting Palette.  The Formatting palette can also be opened programmatically by executing the command,


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