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Diary Access Palette

The Palette

For the buttons and executable commands that are described n this section to work it is assumed that you have installed A WorkLife FrameWork™™ and have loaded it.  This can be done either from the Load WorkLife Framework button on the supplied palette, by executing the command Needs["Diary`Diary`"], or by clicking on the following button:


By clicking on the on the button to the left of Diary Access on the WorkLife Tools Palette, you will open the Diary Access Palette.  You can also open the Diary Access Palette by executing:


or by clicking the Diary Access button on the All Palettes Palette.

The Diary Access Palette looks like:


The Diary Access Palette

The Palette Buttons

For the buttons and executable commands that are described n this section to work it is assumed that you have installed A WorkLife FrameWork™™ and have loaded it.  This can be done either from the Load WorkLife Framework button on the supplied palette, by executing the command Needs["Diary`Diary`"], or by clicking on the following button:



Opens the Favorites & Recent Palette.  This can also be opened programmatically by executing:



Opens the Diary List Palette.   This can also be opened programmatically by executing:


The Diaries listed in the Diary List Palette are those in the Default Diary Directory.  This directory can be specified using the Choose Directory button below.


Opens the Notebooks Palette.  This can also be opened programmatically by executing:



Opens the Packages Palette.  This can also be opened programmatically by executing:



Opens the OtherFiles Palette.  This can also be opened programmatically by executing:



This opens the Directory Browser dialog window.  In this window you can navigate your computer's directories and choose the one that you wish to open a Diary from. The resulting directory is then the value of $DefaultDiaryDirectory.



This button shows the name of the current Diary. It is refreshed whenever a Diary is made the current Diary. In this example it is the Diary named Documentation Notes. If there is no current Diary then this button reads None. The current Diary can be opened by using the Current Diary button below or by clicking on this button itself.  Note that when the Diary Access palette buttons are opened as a sub-palette of the WorkLife Tools palette, this button does not appear.  Rather, it appears towards the top of the WorkLife Tools Palette.


This opens the Current Diary if it has been chosen. If not, an error message is generated.

If the current Diary is open, then its window is brought to the front.  If it is not opened, then it is opened and any Default Code Cells are executed.


If a Diary other than the current Diary is the topmost notebook, then clicking on this button will designate topmost notebook as the current Diary.


This opens up a dialog window to create a New Diary.  The New Diary dialog looks like:


An Example of the New Diary Dialog

At the top of this dialog is information on the current Diary directory.

If you enter a name in the Diary Name field and click on Create Diary in the Current Diary's Directory, then a new Diary with that name will be created there and that Diary will open and become the current Diary.  (In this case any entry into the Directory Name field will be ignored.)  

If, instead, you enter a name in the Diary Name field and a directory name in the Directory Name field  and click on Create Diary in its own Directory, then a new Diary with that name will be created in a subdirectory of the current Diary's directory. The new Diary will open and become the current Diary and the new directory will become the current Diary's directory.   (If no name is entered in the  Directory Name field an error message will be returned if you click on Create Diary in its own Directory,)

If the name of the Diary does not contain any of the listed keywords, then an advisory error message will be generated. That diary will not be listed on the Diary List Palette. Additional keywords can be added to the list of keywords via the dialog that appears when you click on the Add Keywords button.  You can make the Diary List Palette accept all diary names by executing AddDiaryKeywords[All].


This opens up a dialog window to create a New Notebook.  This notebook is placed by default in the Notebooks subdirectory of the current Diary's directory.


This Saves the current Diary.  (This may not be the current InputNotebook in the Front End.)  The Diary is processed prior to saving to make sure that all cells are properly tagged and dated.


This saves and then Closes the current Diary. (This may not be the current InputNotebook in the Front End.)  The Diary is processed prior to saving to make sure that all cells are properly tagged and dated.  An alert dialog is displayed as this processing occurs.  


This opens the current Diary's Directory.


This opens the Notebooks subdirectory of the current Diary's directory.


This opens the Packages subdirectory of the current Diary's directory.


This opens the OtherFiles subdirectory of the current Diary's directory.

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Copyright ©, 2005-2009 Scientific Arts, LLC