To upgrade your current version of A WorkLife FrameWork to a more recent release, simply take the following steps.
1) Clear the disk cache on your browser. This is important if you have already downloaded version a copy of A WorkLife FrameWork, as the most recent copy on the Scientific Arts servers is the correct one to use, and for some operating systems and browsers a cached version may be used instead.
2) Download the compressed archive of the new version of A WorkLife FrameWork from the appropriate link at the bottom of the License Agreement page.
The archive is called
where N.N.N is the version number.
3) Extract (uncompress) the archive. [On Mac OS X this can be done by simply double clicking on the downloaded archive; on Windows you will need a tool such as WinZip].
4) If you have Mathematica open, quit Mathematica. Then, restart Mathematica, but do not start A WorkLife Framework, (If you do start A WorkLife FrameWork, the installation will still work, but you will need to restart Mathematica and then restart A WorkLife FrameWork for the updated version to work.)
4) Close all open notebooks and palettes (this is especially important for Mathematica 6).
5) Open the InstallWorkLifeFrameWork.nb notebook that is within the WorkLifeFrameWork folder (this is the same folder that the ReadMeFirst.nb notebook is in).
Please be sure that you are opening the InstallWorkLifeFrameWork.nb notebook from the version of Mathematica that you intend to use A WorkLife FrameWork in.
6) When the InstallWorkLifeFrameWork.nb notebook opens, click on the "Install A WorkLife FrameWork" button.
7) When the installation is completed the password entry dialog will open. If you had previously installed a password, there is no need to re-install your password—you may click on "Close" on this palette. However, thre is no harm in reinstalling your password.
8) Now start A WorkLife FrameWork. (If you are already running an earlier version of A WorkLife FrameWork then you should quite and restart Mathematica and then start A WorkLife FrameWork.)
9) To check that the new version is now installed you can execute
This should return the string corresponding to the N.N.N in the archive name ( above in step (2).
All of your previous settings should be preserved.
Note that A WorkLife FrameWork will only work properly in the version of Mathematica that it is intended for. |