From Simple Tabular Formatting to Automatic Report
Formatting a Simple Table
Let us say that we want produce a tabular report on the analysis
of several sets of data contained in columnar format in an external
file. The data are in the file
file.dat. We first import the data. (If file.dat
is not placed in a directory that is contained in Mathematica's
$Path variable,
you can make it available by executing the function
where path is the path to the needed directory.)
Since the data are in columns and the ReadList
function returns a list of rows we can access the data by transposing
the matrix of data.
Load in the standard package Statistics`DescriptiveStatistics`.
This package contains functions that give various statistical
properties of a data set. Here we want to compute the first four
moments of the data: the mean, variance, and skewness. To do this
efficiently we write a small function that does it all at once.
The following then gives us a list of the desired statistics for
each of the data sets. The function Map
effectively applies the DataStatistics
function to each of the data sublists.
These results can be presented as a table using the formatting
command TableForm.
Considerably more control can be exercised by using a GridBox.
There are many approaches to this, here is an example. First we
wrap GridBox around
stats and format
it by using DisplayForm.
By using options we can modify this to add a frame and column
In the following we reduce the number of digits in the displayed
numbers and add color to the column headings.
The following prints a formatted cell. The visual result is the
same as above, but note that the cell that is returned does not
have a cell label.
Here we use CellPrint
to print three cells in sequence (the individual cells are contained
as the elements of the list that is the argument of CellPrint).
The three cells that follow this command are the result of executing
it. Thus we are essentially writing a small report.
A Simple Prototype of an Automatically Generated Report
The following, when executed, creates a new notebook that has
a heading cell followed by a cell with explanatory text and then
a cell with the above table. This is therefore a simple example
of automatic report generation. (NotebookPut
creates the notebook that is defined by the Notebook
object which itself contains a list of Cells.)
We are surpressing the display
of the generated notbook here, it is displayed (as the output of
the function DataReport
defined below) at the bottom of this page.
In fact, we can combine the steps that we used above to create
a function that automatically generates a report from a data file.
The function requires both the function DataStatistics
that we defined above as well as the standard package Statistics`DescriptiveStatistics`.
Here is the report.